Forensic dentistry, also known as forensic odontology, involves using dental knowledge to help in legal cases and criminal investigations. Dentists trained in forensic science analyze dental records, bite marks, and dental structures to identify unknown human remains, assess injuries, or connect suspects to a crime.

Key Uses of Forensic Dentistry:

  1. Identification of Human Remains: Teeth are highly durable and can withstand extreme conditions like fire or decay. Forensic dentists compare dental records (such as x-rays, fillings, and tooth alignment) to help identify deceased individuals when other methods aren't possible.

  2. Analyzing Bite Marks: In certain criminal cases, bite marks left on victims can be examined to match a suspect’s dental structure. This can provide crucial evidence in assault or homicide investigations.

  3. Age Estimation: Teeth development and wear patterns can be used to estimate a person’s age, which is helpful in cases involving unidentified remains.

Forensic dentistry plays a vital role in both criminal investigations and disaster recovery, helping to bring closure to families and solve complex cases.

16 Oct 2024